It is about time that Tasmanian citizens initiated an environmental court of law in order to prosecute the people who willingly damage our environment. People such as politicians and industry who have been continually getting away with destroying essential environments and native forests for far too long. Finally we have an opportunity to sentence the perpetrators of wilful environmental assassination for their ongoing negligence. Join us on Tuesday the 6th of August at 1315PM on Parliament Lawns in Nipaluna/Hobart. The newly formed Tasmanian Environmental Court of Law will sentence perpetrators of environmental violence.

By virtue of the powers vested in us under the Tasmanian Environment Act 2024 we summons you to appear at the Tasmanian Environmental Court of Law, Parliament House Gardens, 1 Salamanca Place, Nipaluna/Hobart
The Offence:
1) Continued total support and endorsement of native forest logging and habitat destruction in Tasmania despite full knowledge that it contributes to the climate emergency and puts people and endangered species’ lives at significant risk.
2) Colluding with successive Federal and Tasmanian governments to undermine federal and state environmental and biodiversity protection systems.
Penalty: life imprisonment or immediate payment of 1.3 billion dollars
Breach of: the Tasmanian Environment Act, 2024
You are charged with, for the duration of your occupational and/or political career, committing multiple acts of failure to respect Tasmania’s unique environment and native forests, failure to defend native forests against destruction, and actively seeking to destroy native forests in collusion with successive state and federal governments. You are charged with multiple counts of subverting the Laws of Nature for financial and personal gain.
The Tasmanian Environment Act 2024 recognises the essential roles that an intact environment delivers to a planet in a climate crisis. It is now time to hold to account those who have contributed to environmental destruction, and those who turn a blind eye to ongoing harm. Your illegal past and ongoing destructive activities have put us all in serious danger.

Love from Colette
Media Release 06/08/2024
Tasmanian native forest destroyers face citizen-led court
In a citizen-led protest today, the ‘Tasmanian Environmental Court of Law’ found parliamentarians and loggers guilty of flattening Lutruwita / Tasmania’s native forests. Thirty-two mock 'summons' were sent out to current and former parliamentarians and logging industry figures in the lead-up to the mock court. Those summonsed included Premier Rockliff, logging Minister Eric Abetz, Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, CEO of Forestry Tasmania Steve Whiteley and Ta Ann Tasmania’s General Manager Robert Yong. Citizens dressed as wildlife, losing forest habitat every day to logging, acted as witnesses, jury and judge in today’s protest. Others dressed as parliamentarians, loggers and logging executives were put on trial for colluding with successive federal and Tasmanian governments to undermine environmental and biodiversity protection systems with continued support for native forest logging. “With the appalling rate of destruction of native forests in Tasmania, while we are amidst a climate and biodiversity crises, it is high time that culpable politicians and logging corporations are held to account. We urgently need governments to prevent logging of endangered species habitat and provide secure protection of native forests,” said Jenny Weber, Bob Brown Foundation Campaigns Manager.
“I am sick of politicians and logging industry giving their middle finger to the state of the environment. Native forest logging is an obsolete practice that damages ecosystems, increases bushfire risk, causes detrimental climate instability and threatens wildlife. For too long, the judicial system has failed our environment and has put humans and other species' survival at risk, because it protects the destroyers of nature and punishes the defenders,” said environmental activist Colette Harmsen.
contact: Adam Burling 0499176082